Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Renovations Begin!

The week of October 3-10, 2009 we started the renovations to the house. It was a little overwhelming at first with so much to do and so little time. We traveled on the 3rd and stayed with my brother Dave and his wife Gayle the first night in Kennebunk. My daughter Cody joined us. We had a wonderful dinner at Allison's in Kennebunkport and went to bed early to be able to have an early start on Sunday.

Sunday was the day we moved everything from Kennebunk that the family had donated for furniture to get us started. We also went on a spending spree to get the basic supplies needed for another home. My brother, Dave, was quite entertained watching us spend money like crazy. Usually you do this over many months but we had one day. It was wild but we bought everything from dishes and beds to screw drivers, hammers and hard hats. We made it to Rutherford Island by 4 p.m. My brother, Dave, and his wife, Gayle, helped us unload all the supplies and then we celebrated the beginning of the adventure! Gayle planted some of my favorite flowers from her garden so in the spring we would have beautiful flowers. Thank you Gayle!

Monday started the beginning of the renovation process. We met many contractors and decided many things that day. Our biggest challenge was not having hot water, which we were able to resolve on Tuesday afternoon. Boy did that first shower feel good. Possibly the best I have ever had!

My brother Steve and his family came up on Tuesday and helped us take down ceilings and strip more than 100 years worth of wallpaper. I have kept samples of the wallpaper to keep as a historical record of the house. Thanks Steve, Liz and Will. Below are the pictures from the week of long days and hard work. "Working on a Dream".

Cousins at work!

It had been a long time since I had seen Fall colors and they were spectacular!

Our new neighbors, Ronnie and Thelma House, brought us 5 boiled lobsters with butter on Thursday night. Ronnie's son is a lobsterman. They were wonderful and after a hard days work, greatly appreciated.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our New House

I grew up in southern Maine, on the coast, and most of my family still lives there. I have made yearly trips, with my children every summer since I moved away, to spend time and feel connected with my family and offer them the same experience of growing up, carefree, on the beach in Maine.
After many summers of visiting with me and growing to love Maine as much as I, my husband Bob and I started looking for a home in the Pemaquid area. We spent some time on our honeymoon at the Bradley Inn and loved the quiet, rustic, peacefulness of the area. The search started last summer but the "right" house was not to be found.
This past summer, we again spent some time in the Pemaquid area searching for a home in Maine. Finding the "right" house was challenging with a husband who stands 6'4" and had a hard time standing up in most of the top floors of the houses we looked at. I had about given up for this year when our realtor, Susan Ropes of Dewey Chase, showed us this home, in much need of loving care, on Rutherford Island in South Bristol. I immediately felt a connection to the area and especially to the house.
At first, with many complications, we were not sure we would be able to complete the sale but everything has worked out and we are now owners of a, soon to be fabulous, house on Rutherford Island in the working fishing village of South Bristol, Maine. The house is in much need of updating and repair but the view is amazing as the property fronts on The Gut, overlooking Gamage's historic shipyard. A dream come true.

Below are pictures taken of the house before we officially owned it on the last trip before the offer was accepted. You can see there is a lot of work!

But the view!