Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Projects

This year we are concentrating on making the house more comfortable with furniture, rugs and pictures. Couches were bought at Big Al's in South Portland along with some great bargains in The Pit. As usual, my family helped get it all there. We couldn't have done it without them! There are still many construction projects that we're prioritizing, like stabalizing the sheds, but they might have to wait another year. Below are how it's shaping up. Pretty amazing transformation!
Living Room

Furniture from the Prison Store in Thomaston
Electrical fixed and now flush with walls
Bob fixing the electrical

Other Projects

We also tackled enclosing the chimney in the Presidential Suite along with baseboards so we could install wall to wall carpet. The carpet is ordered and should be installed before our next visit.

Bob was so proud of his first threshold for the Presidential Suite!

Lots of new decore ncluding my wonderful Christmas present from Bob's kids with my Dad's initials and colors from his lobster traps. Also, a little something from California!

Perfect cabinet for storing linens behind the door

Oiling the teak for another season. What a view!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We're Back!

With Bob's project completed at JPL, I'm hoping for a more normal schedule for visiting Maine this year. We certainly started off right with having 10 days in April. Each spring we are welcomed by the daffodils planted in the front garden. I love their warm greeting!

As our renovations progress, we are trying to take more time for fun and visiting with family. This year we celebrated Easter with my nephew, Jeff, and his family. We were able to participate in his almost 3 year old son's first egg hunt and egg dying. The egg dying was a hit! What fun and the company and food were fabulous, especially the leftovers we were able to take to South Bristol.

Snow In October?

With Bob still in Florida, I asked friends to join me for the last trip of the year at the end of October, hoping to catch a little late color but not expecting one of those colors to be white!

Mary and Gail were more than happy to accompany me and we certainly had an adventure with being tourists, a snow storm, no electricity and a very scary, snowy ride home from Damariscotta one evening after dinner. I guess it just gives us stories to tell later. The one unique thing about this trip was that no projects or renovations were done. We just enjoyed being at the house and enjoying each other's company. We certainly have come a long way!

The trip started with meeting in Boston and then traveling to Kennebunk, where we stayed with my family and did some sightseeing, as neither of my companions had been there before. Walker's Point, the Wedding Cake House, Goose Rocks Beach and then into Kennebunkport where we had lunch at Alisson's Restaurant before heading to Rutherford Island. Below are some highlights. I hope Mary and Gail will join me again very soon on another trip to Maine and Rutherford Island, hopefully without snow.

Dorries on Kennebunk River

Goose Rocks Beach

Walker's Point

Mary and Gail
Some highlights from the trip included:

 Visiting Pemaquid Lighthouse

Going to LL Bean in Freeport and catching their pumpkin carving contest, some Whoopies and some great shopping
Where we had lunch in Boothbay Harbor to be warm. They had electricity!

 The snow storm!